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From a young age, I discovered that my imagination is constantly running wild with so many ideas. For as long as I can remember, I have used art as a creative outlet to express my thoughts and feel good about a final product. Art most often serves as my escape from the many demands of high school life. When I ask myself what I am trying to achieve in art, I first must think about what I am trying to achieve in life. As a junior, I am trying to achieve satisfaction in knowing that my hard work in high school will indeed pay off. I am trying to achieve the best grades I possibly can to show colleges, and most importantly myself, that I am capable of setting my mind to something and succeeding in it. As a photographer, I am trying to achieve compositions that capture a special or crucial moment in time. I love the feeling of nostalgia and being able to look back at old pictures and having memories flood back to me. On an artistic level, photographer Annie Leibovitz inspires and influences me. Leibovitz often takes beautiful photos of important people who are relevant during the time she is shooting. By just looking at her wide array of celebrity portraits, one can take a trip down memory lane and remember exactly what was going on in the world during the time that picture was taken. 50 years from now, I want to look back on the photos I have taken and, no matter what is going on in my life at that moment, have all the memories associated with that picture flood back to me in less than a second. With my photos, I want to create that sense of nostalgia that I love so much. A personal influence in my life would be my little sister. Since my little sister is almost 7 years younger than me, I often take a motherly role in her life and strive everyday to be the perfect role model for her. She motivates me to be the best person I can be and use all my abilities to achieve what I want in life.

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